Celebrating the Fourth of July in an Eco-friendly Way
/(Published in The Daily Citizen newspaper on July 1, 2015.)
Recycle & Reuse Article of the Week -
Displaying the American flag and attending the community fireworks show are wonderful ways to show your patriotism during July 4th weekend. This year, however, I challenge you to take the celebration a step further by doing things that help preserve the natural beauty of this country and which are typically eco-friendly, green and inexpensive to implement. Depending on what you do, most actions also have a positive impact on quality of life and health.
Read the article online for several ideas to help get you started: http://www.daltondailycitizen.com/news/lifestyles/recycle-reuse-celebrating-the-fourth-of-july-in-an-eco/article_bd38db48-1f99-11e5-81d2-7f2996646cad.html