The Old Dixie MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) Landfill is the Authority’s active disposal site for the Municipal Solid Waste. This section contains general information for commercial customers. It's located at the Old Dixie Hwy. Landfill and Convenience Center site on 4189 Old Dixie Hwy. SE. (Click here for directions.) Hours are Monday – Friday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM, and Saturday: 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Call the scale house at 706-277-3389 for questions related to what can be delivered and the cost.
The Old Dixie MSW Landfill is the Authority’s active disposal site for the MSW that remains. The site is comprised of over 1,200 contiguous acres, with 90 acres permitted for municipal solid waste (MSW) with a total capacity of 11.4 million cubic yards.
The initial load of waste was placed in July 1996, with an expected lifespan of 30 years. Today with approximately 90% of the permitted footprint constructed, the site’s remaining capacity is in excess of 25 years as a result of continually improving compaction rates, currently at 1,300 pounds per cubic yard. Extending the life of the landfill has also been achieved by diverting carpet waste, recirculating leachate, and using heavy equipment outfitted with localized GPS technology to achieve and monitor higher in-place densities than the original design parameters. The active landfill also includes an active landfill gas extraction system that goes to the Landfill Gas to Energy project.
The Authority has sufficient acreage at the site to provide good borrow source material for the construction of soil liner as well as cover material for closures. However, because the soil does not meet the stringent requirements for permeability of a Subtitle-D bottom liner system (i.e. less than 1 × 10-7 cm/sec.), the Authority researched alternative liner systems that could 1) take advantage of onsite resources thus reducing material and transportation costs and 2) continue to meet the regulatory requirements of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources – Environmental Protection Division. With the assistance from the design engineer (Weston Solutions), the Authority was able to demonstrate that a 24-inch thick 1 × 10-5 cm/sec soil liner in combination with a geosynthetic clay liner was less permeable than the standard 1 × 10-7 cm/sec clay liner and thus receive approval as an alternative liner for the remaining 74 acres.
Another design enhancement involves the leachate drainage-protective cover layer above the synthetic geo-membrane. The prescriptive requirement is for the bottom 12 inches of drainage material to have permeability greater than 1 × 10-2 cm/sec and the top 12 inches to have permeability greater than 1 × 10-3 cm/sec. This design allows for free flow of leachate to collection trenches and sumps for subsequent removal while protecting the geo-membrane liner from sharp objects within the first lift of waste. The Authority quickly recognized that this element of construction for the Subtitle-D bottom liner system was the most expensive, due to it being required to have a minimal calcium requirement to prevent clogging. With northwest Georgia being underlain by limestone rock which is unacceptable, only river sand or crushed granite meet the low calcium content requirement. Both of these materials are located more than 60 miles from the site, adding significant transportation cost. Therefore, the Authority began searching for alternatives to the typical crushed granite aggregate (size 89) mined and processed from Georgia quarries located in and around the metro Atlanta area of Georgia. The Authority identified a combustion by-product of the power plant industry, washed bottom ash from the spent residual of coal combustion that has a density that is approximately 35% less than its granite counterpart and still has the required permeability characteristics and low calcium content. Due to the more angular nature of the coal ash (clinker), the Authority’s design engineer (Weston Solutions) completed an evaluation for puncture of the geo-membrane that concluded that a minor upgrade to the cushioning geo-textile was necessary to be able to use this material over the geo-membrane for the leachate drainage-protective cover layer. Once again, the Authority identified a suitable construction material alternative that was more cost effective based on the lower density and overall material cost, in part due to the material being located closer to the Dalton site. This time, the design alternative has the added benefit of being an industrial waste materials used for beneficial reuse.
Finally, during the first quarter of 2013, a forced sewer main was installed to manage leachate generated by the facility. In the past, leachate from the lined Sub-Title D landfill was either recirculated back into the waste or pumped and hauled to Dalton Utilities and managed as industrial waste water. Pumping and hauling of leachate had become an expensive management option due to increased transportation and disposal costs. The commissioning of the sewer main has decreased the over all leachate handling and disposal costs by 90 percent.
Special Waste Acceptance Program
In order to comply with State and Federal regulations, minimize the liability of the waste generator and the Dalton-Whitfield Regional Solid Waste Management Department (DWRSWMA), and to protect human health and the environment, the DWRSWMA has implemented a formal waste acceptance program for materials classified as “Restricted Waste.” All generators, established or new, must inform the DWRSWMA of the need to dispose of “Restricted Waste.” All waste classified by the DWRSWMA as “Restricted Waste” must be approved for disposal prior to being delivered to the landfill.
Please download a copy of the Policy and Procedures for Restricted Waste Acceptance. And, a copy of our Solid Waste Survey form and our Waste Profile / Acceptance Form. The Solid Waste Survey form must be completed and returned regardless of the type of waste being disposed. The Waste Profile / Acceptance Form must be completed by the generator and submitted to our office for review and approval prior to disposal, if you are disposing of a “Restricted Waste.” Most generators will have a combination of restricted and non-restricted waste types and the Waste Profile / Acceptance Form will need to be submitted for that portion of the waste stream that is considered to be a “Restricted Waste.”
When completing this form, please contact our office to discuss the potential requirements for sampling and analytical testing that may be necessary for your specific waste material. These requirements will be based on an individual assessment of your waste material. Waste acceptance will be based upon the information submitted by the generator. When analytical analyses are required, the samples to be analyzed must be a representative sample of the waste to be disposed. A representative sample is defined as a sample obtained by using any of the applicable methods specified in 40 CFR 261-Appendix I or an equivalent method, in accordance with “Test Methods for the Evaluation of Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” SW846, USEPA, Office of Solid Waste, Washington, D.C., 20460.
Please consult with your laboratory regarding the collection of samples to be analyzed. In addition, your sampling plan should be reviewed by this office prior to its implementation. The analytical data submitted to this office for review must document the sampling method, number of samples, and the source.
Your continued support and cooperation during the development of this program will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 706-277-2545.
All vehicles delivering to the DWSWA facilities must cross the scales at the scale house located at the entrance of the Old Dixie MSW Landfill.
Old Dixie MSW Landfill Rate Schedule
Effective Date: September 1, 2022
POSTED GATE RATE - MSW = $44.00 per ton
Commercial Rates – (Based on Monthly Average)
10 to 50 tons per day = $42.50 per ton
51 to 100 tons per day = $41.00 per ton
101 to 150 tons per day = $39.50 per ton
151 to 200 tons per day = $38.00 per ton
Other Rates
Local Government Rate = $27.75 per ton
Unbaled = $54.85 per ton
Construction & Demolition = $44.00 per ton
MRF - Transfer Fee (Handling) = $14.00 per ton
Commercially generated mattresses = $15 each plus $44.00 per ton.
Special Waste, including Tires = Waste Specific
NOTE: Other Rates May Apply Where Applicable
(All Rates Include the Ga Solid Waste Surcharge Fee of $0.75 per ton)